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As the most mysterious character in the world of League of Legends esports, Sylas has captured the imagination of players and fans alike. His unique abilities and backstory have made him one of the most popular champions in the game, and he has become a fixture in competitive play. In this article, we will explore why Sylas is such an iconic figure in the esports world and what makes him so appealing to players and fans.

The History of Sylas

Sylas was first introduced to League of Legends in 2019 as a new champion. He quickly gained popularity among players and fans due to his complex backstory and unique abilities. His backstory is one of oppression and hardship, as he was imprisoned for his magical abilities and forced to work as a slave in the Demacian mines. However, he eventually gains his freedom and becomes a champion of the oppressed.

Sylas' Abilities

Sylas' abilities are what make him such a fascinating and dynamic character in the world of esports. His kit is designed to be both versatile and powerful, making him a popular choice for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward gameplay. Some of his abilities include:

Chain Lash: Sylas lashes out with his chains, dealing damage to all enemies hit and healing himself for a portion of the damage dealt.

Kingslayer: Sylas empowers his next attack, dealing bonus damage and healing himself for a percentage of his missing health.

Hijack: Sylas steals the ultimate ability of an enemy champion and can use it as his own.

These abilities make Sylas a powerful force on the battlefield and a key player in competitive play. His ability to steal enemy ultimates makes him a valuable asset in team fights and allows players to outplay their opponents in unexpected ways.

Sylas in Competitive Play

Since his introduction to League of Legends, Sylas has become a staple pick in competitive play. His versatility and unpredictability make him a valuable asset for any team, and his ability to steal enemy ultimates can turn the tide of a game in an instant. Sylas has been used in a variety of roles in competitive play, including mid-lane, top-lane, and even jungle.


Sylas is a truly iconic figure in the world of League of Legends esports. His complex backstory, unique abilities, and versatile gameplay have made him a favorite among players and fans alike. As the esports world continues to evolve and grow, it's clear that Sylas will continue to be a key player in the game and a fixture in competitive play.


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